Our Donors

Welcome! We’d like to thank our donors for their contribution and support.

Jim Quinn

Jim Quinn

Joan Fredeen

Joan Fredeen

John Hennessy-Moore Memorial

John Hennessy-Moore Memorial

John Howard Society of Red Deer

John Howard Society of Red Deer

Johnston Ming Manning LLP

Johnston Ming Manning LLP

Jon Walsh Memorial Endowment

Jon Walsh Memorial Endowment

Ken & Bettie Ditzler Endowment

Ken & Bettie Ditzler Endowment

Kevin Dushanek Endowment

Kevin Dushanek Endowment

Keylock Family

Keylock Family

Kinsmen Club of Red Deer

Kinsmen Club of Red Deer

Lacombe County

Lacombe County

Lampard Family Endowment

Lampard Family Endowment

Larkaun Homes

Larkaun Homes

Lawrence ( Larry) Pearson

Lawrence ( Larry) Pearson

Leaders International Executive Search

Leaders International Executive Search

Lena Harris Memorial Endowment

Lena Harris Memorial Endowment

Liz Atkinson Endowment

Liz Atkinson Endowment

Local 212 International Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees (IATSE)

Local 212 International Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees (IATSE)

Lois Christine Shoup Memorial Fund

Lois Christine Shoup Memorial Fund

Margaret Gerry Seymour Endowment

Margaret Gerry Seymour Endowment

Marguerite Schumacher

Marguerite Schumacher

Matthew Schwartz Memorial Endowment

Matthew Schwartz Memorial Endowment

Melcor Developments Ltd.

Melcor Developments Ltd.

Michener Hill Curling Club

Michener Hill Curling Club

Mike Babcock

Mike Babcock



Munro Family

Munro Family

Nexus Energy Technologies

Nexus Energy Technologies

Nicole Hoar Endowment

Nicole Hoar Endowment

Nicole McKenzie & Meagan Kirstein Memorial Endowment

Nicole McKenzie & Meagan Kirstein Memorial Endowment