Our Donors

Welcome! We’d like to thank our donors for their contribution and support.

Access and Excellence Endowment

Access and Excellence Endowment



Affairs of the Arts

Affairs of the Arts

Agri-Trade Equipment Expo

Agri-Trade Equipment Expo

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at  Canada

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at Canada

Alberta Assication of Professional Paralegals

Alberta Assication of Professional Paralegals

Alberta Blue Cross

Alberta Blue Cross

Albert & Alison McMullen

Albert & Alison McMullen

Alberta NWT Command, The Royal Canadian Legion

Alberta NWT Command, The Royal Canadian Legion

Alberta Summer Games Legacy Committee

Alberta Summer Games Legacy Committee

Alberta Teachers' Association

Alberta Teachers' Association

Al Ferchuk Leadership Endowment

Al Ferchuk Leadership Endowment

Allan and Pat Charles (Family)

Allan and Pat Charles (Family)

Allan Ferchuk

Allan Ferchuk

AltaLaw LLP

AltaLaw LLP

Altalink LP

Altalink LP





Arthur Kent

Arthur Kent

Asia Pacific Immigration Consulting Ltd.

Asia Pacific Immigration Consulting Ltd.

ATB Financial

ATB Financial

ATB Financial

ATB Financial



Atoskewan Aboriginal Career Centre

Atoskewan Aboriginal Career Centre

Avalon Central Alberta

Avalon Central Alberta

B.A. (Bruce) Snider

B.A. (Bruce) Snider

Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Education

BDO Canada LLP

BDO Canada LLP

Becky Wylie-Jardine

Becky Wylie-Jardine

Beedle Family

Beedle Family